My Voice, My Power.

Growing up, I was an extremely quiet kid. Curious about people, things, and the world around me, yet quiet. I dreaded speaking up, let alone having a conversation in public or presenting on a stage. I feared I would spew out gobbledygook the moment I opened my mouth, so I sought refuge in quietness or overthought what I had in mind to say until the opportunity passed away (can you relate?).
My parents worried about me. Teachers likewise. I was teased, harassed, called names, and bullied. People took advantage of me, particularly in high school. Being in a mixed boarding school couldn’t have made it any better or easier. I also had a challenge pronouncing certain words. Still do, to an extent. And, hearing people ask me to repeat what I said felt like a dagger going through my soul. Not so anymore.
Then I became a teen, and my Dad would not take it any longer. Alongside praying for me, he’d put me up to a challenge, and another, and yet another. “Mervin, I would like you to give the sermon today,” he would say. Or, “Could you lead the prayers, please.” Whatever it was, I had to put myself in front of people. I had to speak. My Mom would collaborate with her husband in getting me to lean into discomfort. During the summer schools she organized for kids in the neighborhood, she would have me teach Mathematics and any other STEM subject of interest.
I began speaking! From an audience of 10s of people, it grew to hundreds, then thousands, and millions. Today, I have lost count of the speeches, talks, and presentations I have given, uncovering nuances and amplifying important messages on topics at the intersection of energy, climate, (quality) education, faith, and justice. But that’s not the story!
The real deal is this, I found my voice, and I found my power. So, I made a commitment to use it for positive change. “Why?” You may wonder. Well, let just say, like Madeleine K. Albright, it took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent! Lol… that was a tease!
Now back to the question, “Why?” The answer lies in three things:
- The knowledge that GOD would have me open my mouth, speak up on behalf of the disenfranchised, give out revelation-truth to feed others, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy… (Prov. 31:8,9,13).
- The understanding of what it feels like to be voiceless. Having walked in their shoes, I could appreciate the struggles and empathize with those who couldn’t speak up for themselves. I could relate to the experiences of the mute, the oppressed, the marginalized, the unserved… individuals whose stories often go unheard. I could take a stand on matters close to their hearts, even if it meant going against the grain. I could help them establish a profound connection to a sense of belonging and purpose, regardless of their circumstances or the prevailing condition. I could guide them in transcending the confines of fear, anxiety, and the paralyzing weight of silence. I could equally empower them to draw a line in the sand, whenever it was necessary.
- The realization that I had knowledge, perspective, and wisdom that humans needed to hear. I figured holding back that thought could translate to a lack of growth, innovation, or even transformation — for people, organizations, or economies. It became unequivocally clear that the insights I gained from most, if not all, of the experiences I have had could provide compass or succor for many, especially those coming behind me. In succinct terms, my speaking (up or out) could make a terrific impact. After all, it only takes one voice, at the right pitch, to start an avalanche. Don’t believe me? Ask Dianna Hardy.
I believe, like me, you have a voice, and your voice is powerful. Your voice can amplify voices that are often unheard, challenge the status quo, drive meaningful conversations, push boundaries, and shape a brighter future for many.
Harness the power of your voice! Use it for good—whether it’s in your workplace, in your community, or even on social media. Be a force for positive change.
#MervMuses #Advocacy #CultureTransformers #DiaryOfAnEnergyGeek #EmbracingMyPower #EnergyTransition #FindingMyVoice #GiveVoiceToTheVoiceless #HeavenBoundLioness #MakingADifference #STEMEducation #STEAMM