Life: Fleetingness, Purpose & Impact
A reminder from 9 years ago (first published on Facebook in 2012).
Life is so short! When you think about how much time we really have in our lives, it can be quite humbling to realize how quickly it can go by.

Live your life to help and love others…
Live to be a blessing to your family and friends…
Live to love your enemies and to pray for them…
Live to be a role model for your children…
Live a life pleasing to GOD…
And in the end, it will be rewarding when Jesus, sitting on the throne, calls out your name, saying, “My good and faithful servant, welcome home.” This must be our destination — HEAVEN! It don’t matter what happens to anything we have accomplished on this earth. The final point is, have we pleased GOD in all our decisions, dealings and accomplishments? If we have not, then we have lost the core point and meaning of living.
It’s not about the big houses, expensive cars, the fancy clothes you have bought or how rich or poor you are! It is all about pleasing the one true GOD, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I am not saying, we must sit idle at home… No! It is truly about pleasing GOD in everything we do, everywhere we go, the people we meet, at work places, shopping, treating right-the family and friends we have, loving our neighbors.. and the good list goes on.
You may ask… So, how do we rightly, faithfully and truly please GOD?
First approach, come to a place of repentance with GOD and then, towards men by forgiving them, who you have hurt, or might have hurt you. And, have faith in GOD by trusting and obeying HIM alone and by NOT leaning on your own understanding!
Secondly, accept Christ as your personal savior; and, learn to live a life which GOD wants you to live. Obeying His word and living accordingly.
Thirdly, love others like Christ loved us, whether it be our enemy or our family — the one and only command is to love like Jesus loved! Ask GOD to fill you with the fruit of the Spirit, as listed in Galatians 5:22 — Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-control. Bear this 9-fold fruit in your life and make a difference in your life, as well as those around you!
Let us try to follow GOD’s example as He tells us in His words: “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” Isaiah 43:25. Let’s not waste the precious time GOD has given us to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit; don’t keep any malice, hatred, prejudice and likewise towards anyone. Instead, let us learn to forgive so we may heal our hearts and souls and enjoy the gift of time that GOD has granted us.
Our Motto must be: Christ be the center of our lives! Do good! Live for GOD! Love one Another! Tell the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone you meet! Live righteously and make it to Heaven!
May it be so for you and all yours! Amen!